The Generous Side Of The Attention Economy

by Todd J. Fisher, Thursday, September 8, 2022

Attention is a scarce and valuable asset; invest it wisely

The greatest value we can create is found in products and services designed to respect and preserve others' attention, rather than grab that attention when it is not ours to take. What we attend to defines our reality. We owe those with whom we engage the opportunity to enhance their experience by attending to what they choose. Engage others without unnecessarily demanding they "pay attention" and spend unbudgeted attention resources. Our attention is a scarce resource, irretrievable once spent, and defines how we experience the world.

Eyedog.US: A Generous App

Like we mentioned, what we attend to defines how we perceive the world. Eyedog.US is an example of a solution that preserves the precious attention that so many other digital solutions grab without permission, demanding our focus (cognitive energy), and dictating when, and for how long.

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